Podcast appearances
Articles we’ve written
‘Make the most of your summer holiday with these simple tricks’ i news travel Make the most of your summer holiday with these simple tricks (inews.co.uk)
‘How to manage travel anxiety post-Covid, from avoiding catastrophic thoughts to losing yourself in a book’ i news travel https://inews.co.uk/inews-lifestyle/travel/manage-travel-anxiety-post-covid-catastrophic-thoughts-1638640
‘5 tips to boost your well-being when you travel’ Vacayou magazine https://vacayou.com/magazine/5-tips-to-boost-well-being-when-you-travel/
My guide to Córdoba Patio Festival, Templeseeker Córdoba Patio Festival (La fiesta de los patios) (templeseeker.com)
Articles we’ve contributed to
‘Travel as healing’ published in the Swiss publication ‘Fokus Swiss’ (article in German) – Reisen als Heilung – Fokus Online
‘How does luxury affect your body and mind?’ Lexus magazine https://mag.lexus.co.uk/how-luxury-affects-your-body-and-mind/
‘Why does the hot weather affect our mood and what can we do about it?’ Metro Why does the hot weather affect our mood and what can we do about it? | Metro News
‘7 tips for overcoming fear of flying’ The Points Guy 7 tips for overcoming a fear of flying – The Points Guy
‘Off-grid travel is booming, but are we doing it all wrong?. Adventure.com https://adventure.com/opinion-off-grid-travel/
‘Titanic Tourism’ The Independent Titanic: Inside the surreal, sensitive and occasionally grotesque world of Titanic tourism | The Independent
Spring-clean your life! The Guardian Spring-clean your life! 20 ways to discard the emotional baggage that’s holding you back | Life and style | The Guardian
I lived in seven countries over three years, I felt homeless and suffered burnout – beware of the hype https://inews.co.uk/inews-lifestyle/travel/digital-nomad-homeless-burnout-beware-hype-2327134
Media requests
We are open to collaboration so please get in touch to discuss how we can work together